He sat across from me. He wore a blue shirt, brown pants and a wrinkled suit jacket. Pants seemed a little short and his black horn rimmed glasses seemed awkward. His whole demeanor seemed disheveled. I wondered if he was a serial killer. I wondered if it was children or old people; wondered if he liked Dunkin Donuts. Young innocence or antique silver wear sets. He wore long skinny brown leather shoes with his big toes pointing towards each other, pigeon toed. Wondered how many children he lured into his creepy looking van, or how many old people he ducked taped to their own chairs in their own homes. He noticed me staring; he smiled like a joker, like a killer. I looked away, does he laugh like tickle me Elmo or Charles Manson. I think he is still looking at me. I look over to check, he looks down at his watch. He looks casually at time like he casually kills dreams and instills his dreams in his victims. I can feel the watches wristband around my neck, tightening. Does he use neck ties and zip ties to gag and blindfold, does he use a gun or a knife to hold us still? His fingers on his left hand remind me of kitchen knives, his right hand poised like a butcher’s cleaver. I feel him looking at me again, looking at me like he was zip tying me to my seat as I sit. Will I be able to find a pair of scissors and be able to fend him off in these zip ties? I am at the airport flying from Boston to Pittsburgh. A police officer walks by. Would she believe me if I told her I was sitting across from serial killer. My chest feels tight; I don’t want to wiggle too much. I sit still in this web, trying to act casual as I spy on the spider. Did the spider offer candy to his victims? Did he need help finding a puppy; did he offer old people financial success? Does he go door to door or school to school? Does he wear panty hose on his head or a really cool mask of President Reagan? I wonder how many victims, how many Columbian neck ties, how many bodies buried in the back yard? Boarding call, United Airlines flight 6850 from Boston to Pittsburgh.