Thursday, April 19, 2012

It started out as any other day, grabbed my lunch pale and CD’s and threw them on the front seat of the company truck.  Gotta three hour drive n front of me.  I gotta CD las night, Several Other Sounds by Cap Gun Quartet + 4, from a poet, Mr. Michael Wurster, featuring him an Ms. Romella Kitchens.  Headin north on 28, I put n the CD, turn it up an roll down the windows.  Each note reminded me of why I like music, the way it uses me, each song like a sound track to a movie I wanted to write.  I played that CD over an again the entire drive, my mind dropping fast, dripping poems.  My day ended, different than most, changed, a pen and paper in a hotel room, the ink as close to the page as poetry is to my heart, a John Deere tractor an a cap gun in the Congo. 
I emailed Ms. Romella Kitchens the next day to let her know her voice is art, it is especially kind and caring.  She invited me to contribute to The White Gardenia Press.  What an incredible honor and an incredible Press.  I went to check out the press an she had already posted a bit about our emails and the invitation to contribute to the press.  This is what real hip hop artists must feel like, the ones who don’t get the radio play, the ones who love it for lovin it sake, I am humble an appreciative, Ms. Romella Kitchens and The White Gardenia Press, Thank you.
“The Press is to showcase those who reach out to others through their words.”  Ms. Romella Kitchens embodies this.
Please take your time an visit The White Gardenia Press.