The longest running soap opera is leaving network television. Guding Light will be placed in the history books and I'm crushed! How could they do this? They could have done what AS The World Turns did in the 80's. ATWT decide to only broadcast in areas where they had the most viewers. Eventually the ratings went up and then was placed back in national syndication. Have they even thought of this? I know GL has invest more in the character than the stories but it doesn't mean that the writers could not have turned around the show.
Do you remember 2 years ago when the writers created decent story lines? They won for best writing that year on the daytime emmys.
This is what is wrong with the world today. No Loyalty!! Companies are not loyal to those who represent or support them. CBS should at least be loyal to the viewers who do watch the show.
I will end this blog saying. An institution is dying and we are witnessing the dinosaurs extinction.
1 comment:
We are all disapointed in CBS' decision, but it seems Proctor & Gamble, the owner of the show, are still trying to keep the show alive (rumored to be negotiating with cable TV networks). Soaps don't have the viewers they once did, but GL shrunk their production budget and storylines are perking up. If you want to continue watching the show - let Lifetime and other networks know you would watch. check out for details on what you can do. Lifetime recently said they are considering it!
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