Monday, June 30, 2008

I was looking on and found this cool video. Take a look I will also put the link on my web page. I really like stumble upon. You see so many cool things especially if you keep your interest wide.

I also found several open source sites and you can find them all on I have to go now. I have a lot of work to do, talk to you later.


Sunday, June 29, 2008

Today I was able to complete a few assignments. I'm redoing an assignment. I didn't do well. I hope the second time is the charm. I'm rereading the material. Learning about open access in both classes. Free access to a lot of journals and books is great. I'm finding a lot of articles on open access and computer networking.

Yesterday, there was another storm. I was afraid that our electricity was going to go out because we have had a lot of blackouts when electrical storms occur. This is a recent phenom. This June has been one of the worst months when it comes to storms. Each time the power went out we did not have it turn back on until early the next morning.


Saturday, June 28, 2008

I'm putting in my blog today under duress. Another storm is coming and I'm afraid that it disrupt electricity. I do have a lot of work today so I better get to it. Talk to you late under friendlier circumstances.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008


The one thing that love to learn about is history. Why things happen and what are the reasons behind what happened. This week assignment was great. These books gave me insight and some understanding about libraries. I also learned how things evolved. Now I must submit my assignment. I hope that I translate my thoughts well!


Saturday, June 21, 2008


Work was very productive today. I was able to get so much done. It was great having a second pair of hands working at the circulation desk. Anna is a dream!!!

I have completed my readings for next weeks assignment. I'm a big fan Nicholas Baker. I'm a tactile person. I love the feel of holding a newspapers and books. How can we destroy something that could be preserved. I'm not really convinced technology can do better than paper in its original format can do in preserving our history. Too see the colors and the shapes and sizes of different font. Any other way of preserving that history get distorted. Why are we willing destroying what others have tried to preserve for centuries. Why are we so confident in preserving on microfilm or optical disks? Why is it so easy to give up trying to save our paper?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Today I surrendered!!! Last night I was doing homework and then the electricity went out. A transformer blew and my house was part of the gird that went without light for the rest of the night. Then I was awakened by a phone call at 4am. I had to take someone to the hospital. I was a zombie the rest of the morning. Later that afternoon I was took my mother shopping and that's when I ran into a friend who reminded me that I had to be at an event at 12:30pm. So I rushed to my mom's house, dropped her off and then rushed home got dressed and made it there with 5 minutes to spare. I looked crazed!! After the event I went to work. I finally finished my work day. I came home, ate dinner and started reading for my classes. I have started reading Double Fold today. This book reads more like a novel then my previous books. The book Glut was an easy read. I enjoyed reading that book. I love reading anything pertaining to history.

Friday, June 13, 2008

This book Glut is very interesting. The way we communicate is normal and embedded in our genetic make-up or so Mr. Wright writes. The way we communicate is symbolic and has a pattern. People who have known each other for years develop a way to communicate. We use words, things, or body language that tells a story and that way of storytelling is introduced again, again through generations. How does the information age translate our old traditions. I will let you know when I finish the book.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I know you guys haven 't heard from in a while. I have been busy with schoolwork. I had to write and essay on libraries.

Libraries are going through metamorphosis. We are in the mist of change. Change is always difficult. I think we are handling it well. We have a new librarian and she is great. Our library is getting organized and we are becoming more computer savvy. When I help patrons find something on the computer I feel confident that I will find something useful. I have only been in school for a few weeks but I have learned a lot.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

I wasn't feeling well today. I had to miss work. Yesterday was very nice. It was my birthday and I had a nice time. My husband bought me a nice present and took me out to lunch. He took me home after lunch. I came home and read. I had a wonderful day!!!

I find myself learning so much. I pride myself on being able to find information on the WWW but now I know its just a drop in the bucket as to what is out there. I have also completed my first draft of my first paper. Digital Libraries is promising but at what cost. It seems to be so much that it makes it harder people to find relevant information. I guess that is why I want to become a librarian because I will be able to find that relevant information.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

So, I did not post my assignments. The paper is turning out to be more challenging than I thought. Because of me stressing about the paper I have not completed my other assignment. I still have time but time has a way of get away from you. I'm stressed! I need to calm down.

Tomorrow is my B-day!

I still have a dog that has not been potty trained. I have tried everything you would think the dog would just get a clue or maybe I need to get a clue and find a trainer.

The summer has started and my regular patrons have disappeared but for some reason I"m still busy.

I wanted to start a new program at the library in August but I need input from our patrons. So I guess I will be asking my patrons a few questions in the up coming weeks. I don't ask for written surveys any more people tend to run from you when you ask for a little time. I usually start a conversation and then ask them a few questions. People want to talk when you inquire about them.

Well that's enough of my rant,


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Websites for Digital Libraries

So I have read most of the required reading for this week. I will write my essay tonight. I was up most of last night just reading. I'm also completing the assignment for LIS 2600. I want to finish that assignment tomorrow. I let you know if MY MISSION is successful.
